We have had a reply from Dairy Crest on our complaint about the changing of identity of their Country Life butter product, from its original English Label to a British Label, and they tell us that people have requested this?
No they have not, when this company with its French interests recently acquired 100% of the Country Life Label they could not wait to shove it in our English faces and have been determined to ignore its English connection.
We have asked who these people are? and pointed out to them that we too had asked the people, in two Mori polls, one ICM poll, and a BBC poll across England, and these had shown that 68% of the population of our country wanted to be identified with England and yet they ignored them.
They also tell us that there have been no changes in the manufacturing process, admitting the two products are identical, which virtually proves this to be a case of deliberate discrimination and amounts to racism against England. It is also unbelievable that Dairy Crest thinks there is no racism when they state in their annual report that they are the sole suppliers of milk to Marks & Spencer, and boast too, that all of their organic milk comes from farms in the West Country, yet Marks & Spencer can identify its milk source with England and the Cross of St. George, and yet the company that supplies it can’t. Marks and Spencer and their customers should sue this company for misrepresentation and is again another sign of this companies British racism and English discrimination.
Dairy Crest racism if not stopped will spread across other British companies and we advise all the people of England to think seriously about purchasing this companies products.
Down at the pub Marge says what we all think of Dairy Crest’s replies
from their stooges.
Fight against British Racism - Fight against English and England's Discrimination
1 comment:
Well if you want to boycott Dairy Crest, we are doing so at Fair Flags, and have a logo there you can display.
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