Tuesday 30 June 2009


English democracy is representative democracy. The people who make the laws that govern a country must represent the people they govern and be answerable to them. On that basic principle England’s Parliament was founded almost 800 years ago in 1253. Tha
t same principle lies at the heart of English Common Law and the jury system. When Scotland united with England with the Act of Union in 1707, it accepted the English way of democratic government.

‘But the ‘Programme for ‘Britain’ announced yesterday by Gordon Brown in England’s ancient House of Commons is nothing less than outright repudiation of England’s way of democracy’. That is the declaration of the Campaign for an English Parliament. The main proposals of the Programme cover housing, health and education. Not one of them will apply to Scotland because Scotland through its parliament is self-ruling in all matters of housing, health and education. In these three important areas of government Brown is proposing legislation for England only.

Yet Brown is MP for the Scottish constituency of Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath in Fifeshire. He does not represent one inch of England’s territory and not one single English voter. And he is not answerable in any election to any English man or woman. He is the principal legislator for England, yet he does not represent England in any of these very important matters and he is not accountable to any English person.

What is more, when at next year’s General Election he stands for re-election in Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath, because he is not a member of the Scottish Parliament, he is not answerable even to his own electorate for any matter concerning housing, health and education. Our system of government has become twisted and deformed.

In terms of what is most basic to the very meaning of English democracy, to have an MP representing a Scottish constituency making legislation for England in matters on which he was not elected by and is not accountable to any electorate is not just wrong, it is politically and constitutionally perverse.

In the statement of the ‘Constitution Unit’ to the House of Commons Justice Committee in November 2007, what is ‘closest to a complete answer’ to this situation created by the nature of the 1998 devolution legislation ‘is an English Parliament?’

Michael Knowles CEP Media Unit
Tel: 01260 271139 Email: michael-knowles@tiscali.co.uk

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Friday 26 June 2009

The Campaign for an English Parliament welcomes the result of the Times Populus poll

A special Populus poll for The Times, to mark the tenth anniversary of the first elections to the Scottish Parliament indicated that in England and Wales 41 per cent support the idea of an English parliament.
However, Scilla Cullen, Chairman of the Campaign for an English Parliament (CEP), addressing a meeting of CEP members, asked why people in Wales were consulted about whether they supported an English Parliament 'The people of England were never consulted whether they wanted an Assembly for Wales or a Parliament for Scotland. Surely it is the people of England, not the Welsh, who should to be consulted if they want an English Parliament?'
'And why,' Mrs Cullen queried further, 'were we not given the figures for England? Clearly if the Times had cared to separate out the figures for England in this matter, the percentage in England supporting an English Parliament was most likely to be higher and in line with other recent polls that return figures of between 60 and 70%.
'We hear ad nauseam,' she said, 'Establishment pundits and the British government telling us that there is “no demand” for an English Parliament, yet again and again when asked, the people of England do want parity with the other countries of Britain. In the three most recent opinion polls their support ranged from 61% to 68%. Clearly the demand in England is at least as high at that in the referendum for the Scottish Parliament, namely 44%, characterised by those same pundits as “the settled will of the Scottish people”, and much higher than the 25% of the Welsh electorate that voted for devolution, and what irony that the present government was elected by just 21.59% of the electorate.
'Nevertheless, the will of the people of England continues to be studiously ignored by the British Political Class. Labour, Conservative and the Liberal Democrat parties have set their faces against an English Parliament. They see it as a threat to their power and their whole life-style. We hear that David Cameron has said he will treat the people of Scotland with respect if the Conservative Party is returned to power at the next general election. Will that respect be extended to the wishes of the people of England? The Conservatives tell us that the UK cannot afford an English Parliament. The CEP says that we cannot afford the dubious, excessive, immoral practices and expenses of the members of the British Parliament. An English Parliament will be the golden opportunity to bring in root and branch reform of the corrupt way in which the Union Parliament operates.'

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change

No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Rumours say Gordon Brown contemplated putting his head in the gas oven on reading the ‘Calman Report’


“ England is a nation with a single political identity”. With those words Sir Kenneth Calman in his Commission report has undermined and rejected the way both the Labour Party and the Lib-Dem Party have regarded England since the devolution legislation of 1998. Both parties have always opposed any constitutional and political measures which would treat England as what it has been for well over a thousand years: a distinct nation. Both parties have supported the balkanization of England into regions. But, says Calman, England must be recognized for what it is, a nation, “with a political identity at least as old as Scotland’s”.

He goes even further. ‘The regions of England do not have the same sort of political identity as Scotland. This fundamental aspect of the Union will always remain, and must not be ignored in its territorial constitution’. The Union set up in 1707 was a union of nations, nothing else. That is in every line of the 1707 declaration and Calman has reiterated that basic fact about it.

These assertions of the Calman Commission are the very last thing Gordon Brown wanted to hear it make. He set up the commission to undermine Alec Salmon’s ‘conversation for Scotland ’. Brown has constantly described the UK as “a union of nations and regions’, with Wales and his own Scotland as the nations and the regions being the very artificial ‘regions’ of England constructed by Brussels. Brown being that sort of Scot has no feeling for England’s distinct history and culture

The CEP has warmly welcomed this statement of the Commission. As the devolution debate takes the Union into new constitutional territory, it is pleased that a Government Commission has formally acknowledged the distinct national identity of England. “A single political identity” is the first and most essential requirement for one's own institution of government.

Michael Knowles CEP Media Unit

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Can we trust David Cameron or any of them?

When the MPs expenses scandal exploded onto the scene David Cameron was the first to step up and condemn those MPs of his own party, and quite rightly he is doing what he said he would and those involved are being asked or are volunteering to stand down at the next election. This is what the Tory faithful would expect their leader to do and he should be congratulated for meeting their expectations, but what about us and the rest of the proletariat, how should we view it.

David Cameron is asking Gordon Brown to call a general election, but how can this be a genuine call when he has it in his own hands to force one himself and he is refusing to take it? He could rid his party and parliament of the people said to be bringing it into disrepute right now, which would force the general election he wants because the list is so long, instead he will be using them like Gordon Brown is going to do, to bring in constitutional changes that could be detrimental to us English who are being made to pay their wages for another 12 months, and hoping in that time he gets out of his promise of holding a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty as Ireland is expected ratify it in November. To add an insult to our intelligence the respected Times newspaper reported yesterday that when the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, David Cameron will give Tony Blair a free run for the EU presidency.

To his credit David Cameron is trying to form a new grouping in the EU to challenge its policies, but make no mistake, none of the main political parties want to come out of Europe even though its present policy (the one he will try to change) demands the break up of the United Kingdom.
Everyone should consider this and the ramifications for England and the English if England is not given its own parliament in the envisaged constitutional changes due to take place.

We can’t look to Nick Clegg and his Liberals either, they were quick to state some time ago in support of Gordon Brown that they would not support a referendum on Lisbon, but said they would support the one we all want, a referendum on stopping in or pulling out of the EU. Why were they not beating the drum during the recent EU elections when they could possibly have gained an advantage in the polls, they didn’t because like the rest of the main British parties its all a pack of lies, they say it but don’t mean it when it comes to the EU.

We have had two reports presented in the last few days on the effects of devolution, one from the Calman Commission and one from the Justice Committee (Devolution a Decade on); both are very important documents that the Campaign for an English Parliament made submissions too and need serious discussion. How can this take place and how can any written or other constitutional changes be made by this parliament while it contains the stigma of a said dishonest fraternity of fraudsters and fiddlers from across all parties, and how can any written constitution be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union, because that is fundamental to any decisions that have to be made, as it effects the very existence of the nation state itself.

Our parliament, once full of honest, honourable and patriotic men and women is now full of people who dishonour their titles and dishonour us the people who have put our trust in them.
If the MPs caught with their fingers in the till wanted to redeem themselves and help to save the Union they should get together and sacrifice their MP status now and force a general election. Honourable people and true Unionists would do just that of course, but how could we ever expect these people to do it.

Cicero Marcus Tullius, born on 3 January, 106 BC and murdered on 7 December, 43 BC:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

In or out of the European Union the ‘Campaign for an English Parliament’ demands that the British recognise the political identity of our country England by giving it its own English parliament, on terms equal to those given to the country of Scotland.

John Stanhope CEP West Midlands

Wednesday 17 June 2009

"Killing the Union with Kindness"

The Calman Commission was set up in response to growing anger over the injustice of the Barnett Formula coupled with demands from Scottish Nationalists for more powers to be devolved to the Scottish Parliament.

Not surprisingly it has failed to satisfy either of these points of view.

Its eye-catching proposal of allowing the Scottish Parliament to vary tax rates by as much as 10p in the pound rather than the 3p variation currently allowed is nothing more than a "sleight of hand". Far from being replaced, the Barnett Formula is being retained as the means of deciding the amount of the Block Grant that the Scottish Parliament will continue to receive.

In other words, the funding disparity will continue, but with the deliberate intention of allowing politicians to pretend that Scotland is raising the money that it is spending.

Nobody is fooled, and the anger will continue to grow.

From 1888 onwards Westminster has had a deliberate policy of "Killing Home Rule with Kindness", lavishing money on both Ireland and Scotland. This policy clearly failed with Ireland, is clearly failing with Scotland - and yet the Calman Commission continues it.

And as ever, England is being ignored. The Govt needs urgently to consider Calman in the light of the statement by Alan Beith's Justice Committee that it is the governance of England that is the most important unfinished business arising from devolution.

The widespread disgust with our politicians shows the need for a complete democratic renewal. This must also take account of English concerns, which in turn will require English representation and an English Parliament.

If English opinion turns against the Union, do they think they will be able to "Kill Home Rule by Kindness" by bribing us with our own money?

David Wildgoose CEP Vice Chairman

No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

Monday 15 June 2009

If you are for the Union stand up and be counted

It had to happen didn’t it, he helped to bring down Margaret Thatcher now he appears to want to destroy David Cameron, but at least he is honest and consistent. Kenneth Clarke, Europe’s sycophant and Gordon Brown’s equivalent in the Tory Party said on the Andrew Marr show yesterday, that the Tory Party will not give us a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty if it is ratified before a general election is called and they win it.
It proves once again that the main British parties and British politicians can not be trusted to defend the UK or England’s sovereignty and that for all Cameron’s bluster, all of these parties appear to be singing from the same hymn sheet, only the spin is different.

I have said before and say it again that those people looking towards the Conservative Party to save the Union are very optimistic, young and innocent, or must have a short memory; Margaret Thatcher the past PM who this Conservative Party still seems to idolise was sacked by them mainly because of her European stance, and I repeat what she said about Europe at that time “We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain, only to see them re-imposed at European level, with a European super state exercising a new dominance from Brussels”
After sacking her this party immediately replaced her by a Prime Minister who would, John Major, (still an MP) who was aided and abetted by Europhiles like Kenneth Clarke and Michael Heseltine into signing up to the start of this break-up of the UK in a Maastricht Treaty. Kenneth Clarke, yes the same man, the man recently brought into the opposition cabinet by David Cameron, even took part in the launch of a ‘Britain in Europe Campaign’ and was on the stage with the likes of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Charles Kennedy. It is this same Kenneth Clarke who was recently given the job by David Cameron of finding an answer to England’s devolution without making too many British MPs jobs redundant. This same Kenneth Clarke was chosen to give evidence to the Justice Committee ‘Devolution 10 years On’ and is one of these British MPs who say and continue to say that to give England a parliament could lead to the break up of the United Kingdom, when it is they themselves who are the ones orchestrating it. What they should be saying is that if England is given its own parliament it will end the very lucrative careers of very many of them because the English will never agree to pay for another set of MPs without getting rid of their British equivalents.

Make no mistake, none of the main political parties want to come out of Europe, and Europe’s present policy demands the break up of the UK, and everyone should consider the ramifications for England if it does not get its own parliament.

Scotland is slowly being fed the ingredients that it would require to join a single European Federal State in its own right, and all the British political parties are supporting that goal by gradually giving Scotland more power to help it become an independent/autonomous entity.

We at the CEP do not care if Scotland gains its independence if that is what Scotland wants, but I would say that like most people we would prefer them to remain part of a United Kingdom, but not at the expense of denying our country England and its people their English identity.

No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

For any MPs who believe in the Union there is now only one sure option to give it a chance of survival. All resign; force a general election and demand a vote on stopping in or getting out of the EU because your leader is only kidding when he says he will change it, because he knows he can’t, and so do you.

We should force the government to kick out of office all those MPs caught fiddling now and demand a general election, not next year,when the Irish could have voted in Lisbon. These fiddling fraudsters are going to be kept in office by the British for the sole purpose of getting the Irish vote.

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Sunday 14 June 2009

Brown's measures to reform parliament are fatally misdirected

'Gordon Brown has appointed Tony Wright MP, one of Parliament's major advocates of reform, to chair a quick all-party inquiry into reform of parliamentary procedure but he has ensured that Wright does not address the most glaring distortion and corruption of all in our democratic process. Tony Wright and his committee will not address the West Lothian Question'. That is the message to the CEP membership sent out by Mrs Veronica Newman, secretary of the Campaign, its organiser in the county of Wiltshire.
'In the words of the members of the Justice Committee of MPs in their very recent Report (May 22nd) into 'Devolution a Decade on'
"England is subject to Ministers and MPs who do not represent England and whose constituents come under devolved governments' (page 84. para 27)
'Scottish MPs such as Gordon Brown legislate for every area of English life inclusive of health, transport, education, the legal system, the prison service, social services, local government and so on. In not one of those areas of governance is Mr Brown and his fellow Scottish MPs accountable to the electorate of their constituencies because no legislation they make in those areas applies to their constituents, to their electors. Neither is he and his fellow Scots accountable in an election to any English elector because he and they represent Scottish seats and only Scottish seats..
'There is no greater distortion of England's ancient democratic system of government. And Tony Wright MP for Cannock in Staffordshire, lying at the very heart of England, will not even address it. Whether Wright is aware of this distortion and injustice is unknown. But whether he is or isn't, he just will not address it. It is a grotesque injustice to the people of England'.
Michael Knowles
We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Thursday 11 June 2009

Gordon Brown not of this world

After the most humiliating defeat in both the local and European elections with the worst set of results in the History of any Labour Government, their champion Gordon Brown is unruffled and lets it run like water off a ducks back has he gets back down to the British business of destroying England’s constitution. Not only is this parliament full of corrupt, whining, lying, swindling zealots but they are also spineless, gutless whimpering cowards who are more interested in saving their own yellow necks and careers than they are in defending English democracy and sovereignty, and this applies across all the main stream parties.

This Labour Beast is not of this world; any sane earthly creature having been inflicted with so many mortal wounds would surely by now be dead and buried, yet its hatred of England and the English seems to be keeping it alive and we should be very wary of the ferocity of this injured British Beast in its death throws.

Where was Citizen Smith Cameron and his ‘Power to the People’ when we needed him, talk about a national disgrace and a day of shame, how can anybody think of voting for this party or any other main British political party, or for any MPs of this rotten British parliament for that matter, when they sat back and watched that pipsqueak of a Frenchman Sarkozy humiliate our nation and our war heroes by him not asking our Queen, our Head of State to the 65th and last commemoration of the D-Day Landings in Normandy. This whole saga was abetted by the attendance of Gordon Brown the Labour Beast himself who delighted and enjoyed the humiliation as the Frenchman then added a further insult by employing a German band for the occasion. Perhaps Citizen Smith like the rest of the under 50’s in the country believes that the triumph did belong to the French and Americans. After all, the British have been and are still in the process of rewriting our entire history, with the only proviso being that we the English are not part of it?

How long are we going to allow ourselves to be taken for mugs by this rotten parliament, and are we now going to stand by and allow this same cesspit of MPs draw up a written constitution that will in fact be a surrender document to the policies of the European Union? We already have a constitution, what we need to do is to get rid of this lot who are abusing it. No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

England, the only country in the United Kingdom without a separately elected parliament and governed for the last 11 years by a Scottish raj who have wreaked havoc and taken the country to the brink of bankruptcy, now finds itself in the ridiculous situation of being governed by a rag tag and bobtail mob of unelected peers led by Lord Peter Meddlesome of Foy at the invitation of the Prime Minister himself. Enter Lord Meddlesome, twice forced to resign from the cabinet, and who now has so many jobs they are thinking of making a special entry for him in the Guinness Book of Records. How many of this lot have not been implicated in tax fiddles etc?
Our unelected Prime Minister, elected by Scotland and one who can not be voted out by the English ballot box has now surrounded himself with a cabinet full of selfish bully boys, which includes the likes of Bob Ainsworth and 7 unelected peers to try and force onto the nation changes to our constitution that will benefit his party, Europe, and the British establishment to the detriment of the people of England and we should have non of it. Like Gordon himself we can not get rid of most of these people at the ballot box, and don’t forget either, Lord Triesman the ex Labour whip who controls the Football Association, another Brown noser who has decided the England football team’s name will be changed to the British football team in 2012 in time for the Olympics.

David Cameron are you a Maggie Thatcher, a JFK, or are you a French Poodle and an EU lap dog? Its make your mind up time.

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Tuesday 9 June 2009


'The Inquiry Report of the House of Commons Justice Committee of MPs into 'Devolution a Decade on' (published May 22nd) has produced Conclusions and Recommendations (paragraphs 26-40 pages 84-87) which emphatically lend substance and support to the arguments the CEP has been making for the past decade in support of a parliament for England with the same status, purpose and powers as the Scottish Parliament.' That is the message now sent out to all CEP members by Michael Knowles, head of the Campaign's Media Unit upon reception and consideration of the Report.

Paragraph 26 'Over four fifths of the population of the United Kingdom live in England but while fundamental change has been taking place in the governance of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland with consequent effect upon the governance of the United Kingdom as a whole, no such change has taken place in the way England is governed'. The Campaign has been stating precisely that for the past decade, and stated it in great detail in the written and oral evidence it submitted to the Committee. England was totally left out of the Devolution Settlement. The most crucial element of the 1998 devolution legislation concerned governance. Scotland, Wales and NI became self-governing. In the case of Scotland seventy five percent self-governing. England enjoys no self-government at all. In the following paragraph the Committee provides more detail

Paragraph 27 ‘Government in England remains centralised under the authority and management of the United Kingdom Parliament and the United Kingdom Government’. Again, that was precisely our CEP written and oral evidence. The way in which the United Kingdom is now governed is nothing less than confused, muddled and unfair. Each of its four parts stands in a different relationship of governance to the UK Parliament. Scotland has benefited far in excess of the each of the other three. In the case of England the outcomes of this situation in terms of expenditure and benefits in comparison with what Scotland, Wales and NI receive or bestow upon themselves is grossly discriminatory. However, in respect of governance the Committee addresses something much worse.

Paragraph 27 ‘England is governed directly by the United Kingdom Government and Parliament and is therefore subject to Ministers and MPs who do not represent England and whose own constituents come under devolved governments’. This is the West Lothian Question. The Scots can legislate for England in every detail of English life. The English are excluded from 75% of legislation that concerns Scotland. For the past ten years the CEP has on every occasion possible, specifically through four major publications, brought this injustice to the attention of the United Kingdom Parliament. For the very first time a committee of the House of Commons has formally acknowledged the injustice.

Paragraph 27 ‘The governance of England is seen by many as the “unfinished business” of devolution’. The Committee goes on to deal with the different solutions proposed to the English Question. It does not support that of an English Parliament. That was signalled well in advance of the Inquiry even starting; and its Chairman Alan Beith MP was opposing it in public while the Inquiry –his Inquiry- was still taking evidence. However, the most fundamental progress has been made: A House of Commons Committee has for the first time made formal acknowledgement that England, ‘over four fifths of the population of the United Kingdom’ is misgoverned. The Union is not broken but its governance is systemically unjust.


Michael Knowles. CEP Media Unit. Tel: 01260 27339 Email: michael-knowles@tiscali.co.uk

Thursday 4 June 2009

We must keep focused on Constitutional Reform

We must not let the turmoil of the expenses scandal scramble our heads and cloud our judgement into jumping aboard the wrong ship when hearing all this talk of major constitutional reform. We must not forget that England without political or constitutional recognition as a national unit is more vulnerable to our enemies now than it was before this upsurge in MP animosity. Those who wish to destroy us; the Europhiles and the regionalists are seizing the opportunity and are screaming for more devolved regional powers, we must prevent this from happening until England has its own centralised parliament to put it on equal terms with Scotland, giving to our country England the recognition of its English identity. Only when there is a 100% guarantee of this happening, or it has been achieved, should we be prepared to talk about local government and its powers. It is up to us the people of England to decide what local government is best suited to our needs, not Brussels bureaucrats, not British MPs elected in Scotland, not British MPs elected in Wales, not British MPs elected in Northern Ireland, and not by a bunch of self serving regionalists who want to fool the public into voting for regionalised government under the guise of a PR voting system.

The only devolutionary measures we the people of England are interested in listening to and debating are those in a convention that will decide the parameters for the creation of an English Parliament, all other matters concerning England are subsidiary and will come under the jurisdiction of that parliament.

Here is a part sample of what was said by the Scottish Convention on its New Parliament-

It will be for Scotland's parliament to decide the policies and the funding arrangements for education and training. The Convention expects the parliament to work closely with local authorities to make the management of schools responsive and accountable to local communities, and to agree priorities for investment. Together, Scotland's parliament and the local authorities will have the power to decide how best to focus resources to rebuild the Scottish school system. Similarly, the parliament will be responsible for Scotland's universities and further education colleges, and the Convention expects it to work with them to agree and implement priorities. The parliament will also have responsibility for investing in research, and in training and retraining programmes, and for setting up accountable systems to direct this investment. The Convention regards education as a process to which all the people of Scotland have the right of access throughout their lives. It is therefore essential that Scotland's parliament has responsibility for the full scope of educational provision and thus the power to restore the unique Scottish education system to its position as a world leader....
Exactly the same principle applies to us and for exactly the same reasons, to the areas of recreation, heritage, sport, the arts, culture and science - the purest expressions of the nation's character.

According to reports the Scottish SNP and the Welsh Plaid Cymru are tabling a Commons motion next week to dissolve the British UK Parliament in order to cause an immediate general election, and if the motion is debated the Lib-Dems and the Tories are said to be backing it.

How can it be either democratic or constitutional for nationalists of countries that have their own national governments to call for the Westminster Parliament to be dissolved, when that Parliament is the only one that represents us in England; since England has no national Parliament? What they should do if they want to protest is look to themselves and withdraw their own British MPs from the Westminster Parliament, or ask them to resign.

England is fighting a war on the scale of the Norman Conquest of 1066 and our people are at last beginning to realise it, we now need to focus their attention on the enemies’ ultimate objective, which is to breakup and destabalise our national unity..

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English