Thursday 18 June 2009

Can we trust David Cameron or any of them?

When the MPs expenses scandal exploded onto the scene David Cameron was the first to step up and condemn those MPs of his own party, and quite rightly he is doing what he said he would and those involved are being asked or are volunteering to stand down at the next election. This is what the Tory faithful would expect their leader to do and he should be congratulated for meeting their expectations, but what about us and the rest of the proletariat, how should we view it.

David Cameron is asking Gordon Brown to call a general election, but how can this be a genuine call when he has it in his own hands to force one himself and he is refusing to take it? He could rid his party and parliament of the people said to be bringing it into disrepute right now, which would force the general election he wants because the list is so long, instead he will be using them like Gordon Brown is going to do, to bring in constitutional changes that could be detrimental to us English who are being made to pay their wages for another 12 months, and hoping in that time he gets out of his promise of holding a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty as Ireland is expected ratify it in November. To add an insult to our intelligence the respected Times newspaper reported yesterday that when the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, David Cameron will give Tony Blair a free run for the EU presidency.

To his credit David Cameron is trying to form a new grouping in the EU to challenge its policies, but make no mistake, none of the main political parties want to come out of Europe even though its present policy (the one he will try to change) demands the break up of the United Kingdom.
Everyone should consider this and the ramifications for England and the English if England is not given its own parliament in the envisaged constitutional changes due to take place.

We can’t look to Nick Clegg and his Liberals either, they were quick to state some time ago in support of Gordon Brown that they would not support a referendum on Lisbon, but said they would support the one we all want, a referendum on stopping in or pulling out of the EU. Why were they not beating the drum during the recent EU elections when they could possibly have gained an advantage in the polls, they didn’t because like the rest of the main British parties its all a pack of lies, they say it but don’t mean it when it comes to the EU.

We have had two reports presented in the last few days on the effects of devolution, one from the Calman Commission and one from the Justice Committee (Devolution a Decade on); both are very important documents that the Campaign for an English Parliament made submissions too and need serious discussion. How can this take place and how can any written or other constitutional changes be made by this parliament while it contains the stigma of a said dishonest fraternity of fraudsters and fiddlers from across all parties, and how can any written constitution be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union, because that is fundamental to any decisions that have to be made, as it effects the very existence of the nation state itself.

Our parliament, once full of honest, honourable and patriotic men and women is now full of people who dishonour their titles and dishonour us the people who have put our trust in them.
If the MPs caught with their fingers in the till wanted to redeem themselves and help to save the Union they should get together and sacrifice their MP status now and force a general election. Honourable people and true Unionists would do just that of course, but how could we ever expect these people to do it.

Cicero Marcus Tullius, born on 3 January, 106 BC and murdered on 7 December, 43 BC:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

In or out of the European Union the ‘Campaign for an English Parliament’ demands that the British recognise the political identity of our country England by giving it its own English parliament, on terms equal to those given to the country of Scotland.

John Stanhope CEP West Midlands

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