Thursday 20 February 2014


Ignored by British Devolution Policies England is out on a limb when it comes to defending itself against the threat of Corporate Globalisation. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) treaty signed by World Trade Organisation (WTO) countries is liberalising services within nation states and England without representation has had no voice to prevent the nation’s assets being opened up to multinational companies for exploitation. Under this agreement members have to state what they will enter under GATS and what in other member states they would like to see liberalised; it is about time the people of England were told what requests of liberalisation has been made on our country and its Domestic Policies by other WTO members and what the UK British Government made on other countries. It has been said that over 150 service sectors could be opened up to competition including education, health and postal services which we know already have, and according to reports the US has predictably made sweeping demands. What appears on the outset to have been a merely trade agreement is becoming anything but, and from all appearances it now seems to be an agreement to allow rich multinational companies to move in on all of our country’s assets. It’s not been long ago since we heard that the British Government was proposing to sell off England’s forests, so the question is, has the government decided these options or were they decided for them because of the said so called free trade agreement? Without its own parliament it is only England that has no voice and separate representation when these agreements are drawn up, and it’s about time the English realised this fact before this green and pleasant land of ours is ours no more.