Thursday 15 January 2015

What the British political parties must be made to talk about

Why are the media getting into a sweat about David Cameron refusing to take part in any political leader’s debates on TV if it doesn’t include The Green party, when the more important question they should be asking is why is the leader of the Scottish National Party being ignored.
According to the latest polling figures for the upcoming General Election in May the Scottish National Party (SNP) are on course to become the majority political party representing Scotland at Westminster. Faced with what appears to be more than a possibility the SNP after May could see itself not only being in control of the Scottish Parliament but being the third largest party in the whole of the United Kingdom, and more importantly it would be in the enviable position of being able to put pressure on any prospective UK government, even to the point of making a British political party include them in any coalition. Whether in a coalition or not the SNP could make it nigh on impossible or extremely difficult to say the least for any British Political Party to govern one half of the kingdom without their help. Facing the prospect of a Scottish national party passing laws on England doesn’t bear thinking about so why can’t the media and the so called English party the Conservatives see this, and why is this party having second thoughts on their English Votes for English Laws policy while giving this Scottish national party more power? The English have looked at the last 16years of devolution and the Barnett Formula as bribery by the British to keep Scotland in the Union, but is there any British political party now thinking the unthinkable and willing to offer a Scottish national party English government.
The question needs to be asked, will there be a Union a United Kingdom after May’s election or not, and if so what sort of United Kingdom will it be if the British do lose their power in Scotland to the SNP?
This is the most important Question to be put forward in any debate and D. Cameron and E. Milliband must be made to answer it.
