Thursday 11 June 2009

Gordon Brown not of this world

After the most humiliating defeat in both the local and European elections with the worst set of results in the History of any Labour Government, their champion Gordon Brown is unruffled and lets it run like water off a ducks back has he gets back down to the British business of destroying England’s constitution. Not only is this parliament full of corrupt, whining, lying, swindling zealots but they are also spineless, gutless whimpering cowards who are more interested in saving their own yellow necks and careers than they are in defending English democracy and sovereignty, and this applies across all the main stream parties.

This Labour Beast is not of this world; any sane earthly creature having been inflicted with so many mortal wounds would surely by now be dead and buried, yet its hatred of England and the English seems to be keeping it alive and we should be very wary of the ferocity of this injured British Beast in its death throws.

Where was Citizen Smith Cameron and his ‘Power to the People’ when we needed him, talk about a national disgrace and a day of shame, how can anybody think of voting for this party or any other main British political party, or for any MPs of this rotten British parliament for that matter, when they sat back and watched that pipsqueak of a Frenchman Sarkozy humiliate our nation and our war heroes by him not asking our Queen, our Head of State to the 65th and last commemoration of the D-Day Landings in Normandy. This whole saga was abetted by the attendance of Gordon Brown the Labour Beast himself who delighted and enjoyed the humiliation as the Frenchman then added a further insult by employing a German band for the occasion. Perhaps Citizen Smith like the rest of the under 50’s in the country believes that the triumph did belong to the French and Americans. After all, the British have been and are still in the process of rewriting our entire history, with the only proviso being that we the English are not part of it?

How long are we going to allow ourselves to be taken for mugs by this rotten parliament, and are we now going to stand by and allow this same cesspit of MPs draw up a written constitution that will in fact be a surrender document to the policies of the European Union? We already have a constitution, what we need to do is to get rid of this lot who are abusing it. No written constitution or any other major constitutional changes should be seriously discussed until the people of the United Kingdom have been given a chance by referendum to decide whether they want to stay in or come out of the European Union because that is fundamental to any decisions we have to make, and it effects the very existence of the nation state.

England, the only country in the United Kingdom without a separately elected parliament and governed for the last 11 years by a Scottish raj who have wreaked havoc and taken the country to the brink of bankruptcy, now finds itself in the ridiculous situation of being governed by a rag tag and bobtail mob of unelected peers led by Lord Peter Meddlesome of Foy at the invitation of the Prime Minister himself. Enter Lord Meddlesome, twice forced to resign from the cabinet, and who now has so many jobs they are thinking of making a special entry for him in the Guinness Book of Records. How many of this lot have not been implicated in tax fiddles etc?
Our unelected Prime Minister, elected by Scotland and one who can not be voted out by the English ballot box has now surrounded himself with a cabinet full of selfish bully boys, which includes the likes of Bob Ainsworth and 7 unelected peers to try and force onto the nation changes to our constitution that will benefit his party, Europe, and the British establishment to the detriment of the people of England and we should have non of it. Like Gordon himself we can not get rid of most of these people at the ballot box, and don’t forget either, Lord Triesman the ex Labour whip who controls the Football Association, another Brown noser who has decided the England football team’s name will be changed to the British football team in 2012 in time for the Olympics.

David Cameron are you a Maggie Thatcher, a JFK, or are you a French Poodle and an EU lap dog? Its make your mind up time.

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

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