Thursday 5 February 2009


The latest figures of UK expenditure in Scotland as provided by the economist Fraser Nelson in the recent issue of the Spectator reveals an immense gap between what is raised in taxation by the Scottish nation and what it actually spends. ‘The financial disparity raises very serious constitutional and human rights issues’, states Scilla Cullen, chairman of the Campaign for an English Parliament, ‘which must be addressed at the coming Liberty Conventions in London, Bristol, and Belfast on February 28th.
The gap amounts to £17 billion. Even when revenue from oil produced in Scottish waters is counted as Scottish revenue, the gap is £8 billion. English taxpayers make good the difference. Per head of population Scotland receives an extra £1600 per head each year over what the English receive for health and education, with free university education, free personal care of the elderly, free prescriptions, free hospital parking etc . ‘They (the Scots) should be mindful of how lucky they are that the English taxpayer gives them so much to spend’, writes Mr Fraser.
‘The issue is not just a financial one; it is also one of denial by the United Kingdom government of equality of rights and benefits to the English population which is 85% of the UK population,’ stated Mrs Cullen in her February 1st message to the CEP membership. ‘Yes, it certainly is financial. Thousands upon thousands of English families are having to pay fees and charges which are harsh, at times crippling, certainly when they have children at university or family members in hospital.
‘However, there are also two fundamental issues of human rights and liberties involved. The first is that the English people are entitled as citizens of the same state to the same benefits. Not least because they pay for them while they are themselves denied them. And secondly, they have never been asked by the Labour Government since the 1998 devolution legislation if they want to pay for them for Scotland while not receiving them themselves or if they would like England to have the same degree of self-rule that Scotland has
‘Pressure groups like Liberty, the Fabian Society, Unlock Democracy, Open Democracy which are organising the Liberty Conventions about the erosion of our liberties by this government are certainly well meaning, well intended, and benevolent organisations. These conventions is now their opportunity to broaden their understanding of what constitutes justice and its denial. They could include on the Convention agenda certain very basic questions, like: Why should an English student pay tuition fees and top-up fees and emerge from their university courses with debts of £20K when Scottish students don’t? Why should an English family visiting their children in hospital pay parking charges of up to £2 an hour when Scottish and Welsh families don’t? Why should the English pay towards £8 per prescription when the Scots and the Welsh don’t? Why shouldn’t the English have the same degree of self-rule within the Union as the Scots have? If these injustices were inflicted by the State on ethnic or religious minority groups, there would be uproar -and conventions without number. These wrongs are issues of equality, liberty, civil rights and justice as important as any other the Convention has already set itself to consider.
Michael Knowles CEP Media Unit. Tel.01260 271139. Email:
Scilla Cullen CEP Chairman: Tel: 01438 833155 Email:

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