Thursday 9 April 2009

Dying to be English

Why are the people of England listening and giving their support to the British propaganda machine when it is quite obvious the British are anti England, anti English, and are directly discriminating against our nation.
Following on from the scandalous actions of the British NHS to English patients reported on 25th March, we are now told that we can had to that report that thousands of English patients are being treated in portacabins because of the state of English hospital buildings, a mobile theatre meant to last 7 months at Good Hope Hospital Sutton Coldfield apparently was still open 18 months later. We also hear that some English children are being refused a TB vacination while others in their school class are given it, and of 2,311 English patients dying of starvation in English hospitals, with the West Midland hospitals heading this disgraceful list. We are also now told that the British MP for Stafford David Kidney is accused of failing to stop the deaths of hundreds of the English patients at the Stafford Hospital where the 1000+ patients died through appalling standards, by his refusal to blow the whistle on the horror hospital after receiving a dossier on the neglect 15 months before the failure emerged. This is the same British MP who has joined up with colleague Adrian Bailey an MP from Sandwell on a Commons anti English Regional Select Committee for the West Midlands, that is fighting for the destruction of England’s unity and wants to break the country up into 9 British Regions to deny England its political identity.
The West Midlands governing bodies are failing in their duties and from top to bottom are becoming a hot bed for anybody who is anti English or has anti English feelings. It appears if you want to be an MP, a city, town, or parish councillor or even be a simple public servant in the West Midlands, the first lesson you have to learn is how to deny your English identity and supplant it with a British identity which then gives you a licence to directly discriminate against the people you are in power to represent.

Andrew Rosindell's EDM 1253 in 2008 Calling for a national holiday for St. George's Day was signed by only 46 out of the 529 British MPs who are supposed to be representing England.
In 2009 over 1 million people support a public holiday for St. George's Day

yet in a recent Early Day Motion,when Marsha Singh asked the HOC to make St. George’s Day a public holiday it anoyed one of our West Midland MPs a Mr. Ken Purchase so much that he made what can only be termed as a sneering amendment.

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame.
Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

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