Monday 27 July 2009

Carved-up, stitched-up ... Labour's plan for England


Published: 10 May 2002

IT’S difficult to take seriously a promise of “joined-up” government from a man who can’t manage joined-up sentences.
By getting Two Jags to announce plans for regional assemblies in England, Blair obviously thought he was making us an offer we couldn’t understand.

Because, for all the nonsense about extending democracy and accountability, the new bureaucracies are not what they seem.

As I pointed out on Tuesday, they are specifically designed to break up England into administrative units in preparation for our absorption into a federal Europe.

The regional assemblies correspond exactly with a map drawn up by Brussels for the government of a fully integrated European Union.

Stage One was devolution in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

This is Stage Two.

Stage Three is the abolition of the English counties.

Stage Four is the abolition of England.

To draw parallels with what has happened in Scotland and Wales is deliberately misleading.

These were countries with their own cultures and own identities being handed back limited powers.

If Labour was sincere it would have established an English parliament at the same time.

But Labour hates England and the English. While pandering to Scottish nationalism, Welsh nationalism and blood-stained Irish nationalism, Labour has ruthlessly set about eradicating English identity and undermining our institutions and traditions.

The English are caricatured as a bunch of wicked, backward racists in speeches by ministers and supporting editorials in the fascist Left press.

Instead of bringing communities together, multi-culturalism has been used as battering ram to drive wedges between us.

Pledge ... Blunkett
When David Blunkett sensibly suggested making all immigrants learn to speak English and floated the idea of an American-style pledge of allegiance for new citizens he was howled down by the Guardianistas as if he had made the Nuremberg Address.

But then, Blunkett is a rare animal among Labour politicians in that he is prepared to challenge the orthodoxy.

Most of them are careerists prepared to go along with the whole agenda.

Top of that agenda is a policy of divide and rule intended to fragment widespread English resistance to the ultimate goal of full European integration and scrapping the Pound in favour of the euro.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Devolution – The making of Scotland – The destruction of England

Under present European legislation all national governments are required to transfer power down from their own national central government to a lower level – usually the choice is between regional or local government.

This legislation is the basis of any nation’s acceptance of entry into the European Union and it is legislation that our British Government agreed to on behalf of the United Kingdom. (The British State)

While this has not generally been seen to be a major stumbling block for all other nation states across Europe, who already had some form of regional or provincial government, it is however a problem of seismatic proportions for the British here in the United Kingdom because the UK is a multi-nation state and it meant devolving power down to the nations within it, so entry was never certain and a cause of much debate.

In 1997 a gang of Scottish conspirators and Europhiles (Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling and the disgraced speaker Michael Martin amongst them) who had signed an oath in 1989 vowing to put the interests of Scotland before that of any other nation (The Scottish Claim of Right) suddenly found themselves in control of a New British Labour Government, and they then wasted no time in honouring that oath when in less than a year they had complied with the EU and brought in devolution legislation that gave their own Scottish Nation political recognition and control over its own domestic policies with a parliament. (Devolution Acts 1998)

Devolution has been good for Scotland is the cry 10 years on, how could it not have been when Scotland for all of those 10 years has had two governments working in its best interests, one of their own in Scotland and one in Westminster, and Scotland now commands 188 MPs and MSPs, a UK Prime Minister and a Chancellor of the Exchequer all putting their interests first, while we the people of England have no separate representation at all, and are having to watch as these Scottish conspirators steal England’s money, deny England and our nation its English identity, break our country apart, sell off our assets, and declare our country England a British European Nation state open to the world for colonisation.

Question - Why do the British say there is no English Nation?
Answer - If they admit to an English Nation the British do not exist

The EU devolution legislation has created two major problems for the British -
The Question of Sovereignty – The Question of Identity

The United Kingdom in its pre 1998 form as the British State could not meet the entry requirements of the European Union, yet the survival of the British and British sovereignty revolves around the continuing existence of a British State.

The United Kingdom had a choice, to devolve power and then fight for sovereignty from inside the EU or come out of the EU altogether, and the Scottish led New Labour Government of 1997 chose the first option, and proceeded to devolve power in a way that gave the most benefit to their own Scottish Nation. But their 1998 Devolution Act did give enough power to the other minor nations for them to establish their own separate political identities.

When it came to devolving power to England and the English Nation the British had a problem with their identity, if England became English they had nowhere to go? So they came to the conclusion that if they wanted to stay in the EU their best chance of survival was to supplant the name Britain for England and force onto England and the English Nation an indigenous British identity.

In this they are having varying degrees of success because they are controlling the media.

It has taken a long time for the English to realise this, but at last there appears to be major signs of an English revival, and the British know it. The English are seeing through the British futile attempts to disguise their demise under offers of English votes on English Matters and their new English pauses for English causes to answer the West Lothian and English Questions and the tide is turning against them.

David Cameron is not calling for a withdrawal from the EU or promising a referendum if the Lisbon Treaty is agreed before a general election. Watch the British voters start jumping ship if the Irish say yes to Lisbon later in the year and it is realised that the Scots are freed from the power that the British are using to hold them in the Union,and watch the Tory lead decline as the English move to the parties that offer them recognition with a parliament when they realise they have been betrayed yet again.

The question then will become which of England’s main British political parties is going to gain the initiative and be the first to abandon the sinking British ship and return to England before being put out of existence by the rising English National parties like has happened in Scotland.

Was it and is it right that the reserved powers kept by the UK British Government from Scotland and Wales should have been and are being put in the hands of MPs whose constituencies are in Scotland and Wales while England has no separate parliament?

There is only one way to save the Union and that means pulling out of Europe

contact -
John Stanhope
01902 630110