Following on from my piece on “Who are the British” of 25th October I couldn’t agree more with what Gordon Brown has done in taking the idea of a celebration of Britishness off the agenda. Perhaps the man has realised that he can’t define it now because the British have spent so long trying to destroy Englishness that they have forgotten what Britishness was about, or realised that we already have a British Day, it’s called Remembrance Day. This is the one day every year when the English realise that the British Empire that their boys fought and died for refuses to recognise their contribution by denying them and their nation their identity. He probably forgot too that on the 24th May, Queen Victoria’s Birthday, we used to celebrate a British Empire Day, until it was renamed Commonwealth Day in 1958 in accordance with the new post colonial relationships between the nations, so why would we now want to celebrate that same old Empire that was in retreat then, unless it is to celebrate its demise. The time for celebration should surely come with the resurrection of a new Britishness in a new British Federal State.
Which Britishness did Gordon Brown think we would have been celebrating anyway, not a unified one, his party in the last ten years has done more than any since the Second World War to invite citizens in large numbers from every culture and nation on Earth to take up a British identity, and I’m sure that all of those who took up that identity and moved here would each have wanted to celebrate their Britishness in their own way?
Gordon must have had too much of the Blue Nun too if he thought the home nations would unite and see Britishness has a cause for celebration, when the empire is in a state of total collapse due to their British incompetence and the way his party has treated each nation differently, and the English Nation abominably, with their British attempt to save themselves with an asymmetrical devolution policy.
He has forgotten too that his Scotland is seeking independence which will remove the last piece of the jig saw, the final piece holding the British Empire together, and it would be done under an agreement of their “Scottish Claim of Right”, a document, and an oath that he himself has signed up to. (Hypocrite)
If there are any MP’s with any bottle left in this treacherous parliament who honestly believe in saving the Union, then they should be standing up and demanding the creation of a British Federal State now before this government sells off all of Britain’s assets to Europe and beyond, and destroys its main component England without which it could not survive.
Scottish Claim of Right
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England’s and English Discrimination
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Saturday, 25 October 2008
In simple terms, the British are imperialists, the people of an empire which has been in a steady state of collapse since the end of the Second World War and whose identity is now being threatened and is retreating to the shores of England.
The empire began in the year 1707 when the two nations of England and Scotland gave up their individual identities and parliaments to unite under a single new British identity with its parliament in London. In the years following, the empire stamped its British identity onto almost two thirds of the known world, becoming one of the greatest and largest empires in world history. With the loss of its power to America following the Second World War the empire’s colonies started to take back their sovereignty and independence, and although the British still have a lot of influence around the world today, except for some 14 small overseas territories, the British Empire has now retreated to where it all began. The retreating empire in some instances offered the people of a colony facing independence British citizenship, some people took up that offer and have since come and settled here, most recently being the people of Hong Kong.
It is important here to note the obvious, British is an identity it is not a nationality, if you are British you are a citizen of the British Empire, and if the British Empire ceases to exist so will your British Citizenship, hence the British interest in keeping Scotland in the Union and resurrecting the idea of a Britain in case they can not.
However it is also important to note that Britain has not existed in the true sense of the word since Roman times.
The British Empire is now facing the ultimate dilemma, it can continue with the final phases of orchestrating its devolution, or it can reconstitute a new British Federal State?
This decision is so important it should not be left to the British Government alone to decide.
The British are purposely ignoring England and the English, the last phase in the empire’s devolution, but it can not go on. Trying to force the English to accept a Britain, a British nationality and Britishness while our other island nations regain their own separate identities is not going to work, and it is up to us the English to make sure it does not.
The British gave us a Cricket Test
I give them an English Football Test – Are you English or British
No matter how many questions the British may ask of us, if they want to survive there is only one answer, they know what that answer is, and so do we, an English Parliament in a new British Federal State.
The English are Best
Fight British Racism – Fight against England and English Discrimination
The empire began in the year 1707 when the two nations of England and Scotland gave up their individual identities and parliaments to unite under a single new British identity with its parliament in London. In the years following, the empire stamped its British identity onto almost two thirds of the known world, becoming one of the greatest and largest empires in world history. With the loss of its power to America following the Second World War the empire’s colonies started to take back their sovereignty and independence, and although the British still have a lot of influence around the world today, except for some 14 small overseas territories, the British Empire has now retreated to where it all began. The retreating empire in some instances offered the people of a colony facing independence British citizenship, some people took up that offer and have since come and settled here, most recently being the people of Hong Kong.
It is important here to note the obvious, British is an identity it is not a nationality, if you are British you are a citizen of the British Empire, and if the British Empire ceases to exist so will your British Citizenship, hence the British interest in keeping Scotland in the Union and resurrecting the idea of a Britain in case they can not.
However it is also important to note that Britain has not existed in the true sense of the word since Roman times.
The British Empire is now facing the ultimate dilemma, it can continue with the final phases of orchestrating its devolution, or it can reconstitute a new British Federal State?
This decision is so important it should not be left to the British Government alone to decide.
The British are purposely ignoring England and the English, the last phase in the empire’s devolution, but it can not go on. Trying to force the English to accept a Britain, a British nationality and Britishness while our other island nations regain their own separate identities is not going to work, and it is up to us the English to make sure it does not.
The British gave us a Cricket Test
I give them an English Football Test – Are you English or British
No matter how many questions the British may ask of us, if they want to survive there is only one answer, they know what that answer is, and so do we, an English Parliament in a new British Federal State.
The English are Best
Fight British Racism – Fight against England and English Discrimination
Friday, 17 October 2008
Dairy Crest Response
Call me Dave has hired a Looby Loo shrink to run psychometric tests on MP’s, the Campaign for an English Parliament suggests that Dairy Crest do the same and run a similar test on its PR and Marketting departments. Perhaps both will then come to the same conclusion and realise that these people can only fool all of the people some of the time, and not all of the people all of the time.
We have had a reply from Dairy Crest on our complaint about the changing of identity of their Country Life butter product, from its original English Label to a British Label, and they tell us that people have requested this?
No they have not, when this company with its French interests recently acquired 100% of the Country Life Label they could not wait to shove it in our English faces and have been determined to ignore its English connection.
We have asked who these people are? and pointed out to them that we too had asked the people, in two Mori polls, one ICM poll, and a BBC poll across England, and these had shown that 68% of the population of our country wanted to be identified with England and yet they ignored them.
They also tell us that there have been no changes in the manufacturing process, admitting the two products are identical, which virtually proves this to be a case of deliberate discrimination and amounts to racism against England. It is also unbelievable that Dairy Crest thinks there is no racism when they state in their annual report that they are the sole suppliers of milk to Marks & Spencer, and boast too, that all of their organic milk comes from farms in the West Country, yet Marks & Spencer can identify its milk source with England and the Cross of St. George, and yet the company that supplies it can’t. Marks and Spencer and their customers should sue this company for misrepresentation and is again another sign of this companies British racism and English discrimination.
Dairy Crest racism if not stopped will spread across other British companies and we advise all the people of England to think seriously about purchasing this companies products.

Down at the pub Marge says what we all think of Dairy Crest’s replies
from their stooges.
Fight against British Racism - Fight against English and England's Discrimination
We have had a reply from Dairy Crest on our complaint about the changing of identity of their Country Life butter product, from its original English Label to a British Label, and they tell us that people have requested this?
No they have not, when this company with its French interests recently acquired 100% of the Country Life Label they could not wait to shove it in our English faces and have been determined to ignore its English connection.
We have asked who these people are? and pointed out to them that we too had asked the people, in two Mori polls, one ICM poll, and a BBC poll across England, and these had shown that 68% of the population of our country wanted to be identified with England and yet they ignored them.
They also tell us that there have been no changes in the manufacturing process, admitting the two products are identical, which virtually proves this to be a case of deliberate discrimination and amounts to racism against England. It is also unbelievable that Dairy Crest thinks there is no racism when they state in their annual report that they are the sole suppliers of milk to Marks & Spencer, and boast too, that all of their organic milk comes from farms in the West Country, yet Marks & Spencer can identify its milk source with England and the Cross of St. George, and yet the company that supplies it can’t. Marks and Spencer and their customers should sue this company for misrepresentation and is again another sign of this companies British racism and English discrimination.
Dairy Crest racism if not stopped will spread across other British companies and we advise all the people of England to think seriously about purchasing this companies products.
Down at the pub Marge says what we all think of Dairy Crest’s replies
from their stooges.
Fight against British Racism - Fight against English and England's Discrimination
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Town celebrates with St George
Are the English at last waking up? those in Gt. Yarmouth appear to be, and we in the West Midlands should wake up too. Our councils should be declaring themselves part of England and English and should be fighting for the recognition of our nation, not pussyfooting around with the non existant Britishness that is being foisted upon them with British regionalism through the waste of money Advantage West Midlands quango. Our councillors should be fighting for responsibilities to be returned to English counties and local government, and be demanding the establishment of our own English Parliament.
A NEW branch of the Royal Society of St George - which celebrates English heritage, history and culture - has been formed in Great Yarmouth.A dedication and foundation meeting was held at the Priory Centre on Saturday attended by the chairman of the national Royal Society of St George, James E Newton, from Kent; Mayor and Mayoress of Great Yarmouth Cllr Terry and Jenny Easter; representatives of Caister Volunteer Lifeboat, the founding members of the branch and their friends and family.The aims of the branch are to offer a focal point for all local people to be able to celebrate their English heritage, history and culture. It will also focus on Yarmouth's place in English history and how important the town was throughout the ages.The event was opened with a musical recital from the Eastern Spirit Show Corps followed by the Founding Charter being presented to the new Yarmouth branch's chairman, Andrew Atkinson-Riches. The officer roles and nominees were proposed and accepted and Caister Lifeboat was voted in as the local charity the branch will be supporting. The Foundation meeting ended with a donation from the Royal Society of St George to Ian Baker of the Eastern Spirit Show Corps. Afterwards there was a modern theatrical display from local group Dezine, and the celebration evening was rounded off by the NJP Jazz band. The society's Yarmouth branch will be hosting events throughout the year including on St George's Day, Trafalgar Day, attending the town's war memorial on Remembrance Sunday, with possible additions for the Battle of Waterloo and the Battle of Britain, summer and winter balls and a Christmas Carol concert. The first official fundraising event is a Trafalgar Day Treasure Hunt on Saturday, October 18. Registration for this event is at The Kings Arms, Northgate Street.
ROOTS - Show of Hands
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
A NEW branch of the Royal Society of St George - which celebrates English heritage, history and culture - has been formed in Great Yarmouth.A dedication and foundation meeting was held at the Priory Centre on Saturday attended by the chairman of the national Royal Society of St George, James E Newton, from Kent; Mayor and Mayoress of Great Yarmouth Cllr Terry and Jenny Easter; representatives of Caister Volunteer Lifeboat, the founding members of the branch and their friends and family.The aims of the branch are to offer a focal point for all local people to be able to celebrate their English heritage, history and culture. It will also focus on Yarmouth's place in English history and how important the town was throughout the ages.The event was opened with a musical recital from the Eastern Spirit Show Corps followed by the Founding Charter being presented to the new Yarmouth branch's chairman, Andrew Atkinson-Riches. The officer roles and nominees were proposed and accepted and Caister Lifeboat was voted in as the local charity the branch will be supporting. The Foundation meeting ended with a donation from the Royal Society of St George to Ian Baker of the Eastern Spirit Show Corps. Afterwards there was a modern theatrical display from local group Dezine, and the celebration evening was rounded off by the NJP Jazz band. The society's Yarmouth branch will be hosting events throughout the year including on St George's Day, Trafalgar Day, attending the town's war memorial on Remembrance Sunday, with possible additions for the Battle of Waterloo and the Battle of Britain, summer and winter balls and a Christmas Carol concert. The first official fundraising event is a Trafalgar Day Treasure Hunt on Saturday, October 18. Registration for this event is at The Kings Arms, Northgate Street.
ROOTS - Show of Hands
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Dairy Crest
Your campaign has been inundated with calls about the latest Country Life Butter advert now hitting our television screens. This is not an advert to be watched if you are English and suffering with high blood pressure or attending anger management classes, unless you either want a heart attack or are loaded with cash to buy a new TV when you put your foot through it. The company producing this noteworthy product “Dairy Crest” have deliberately changed the label on the packaging of this product from its original English country label to a British country label. They have then proceeded with the aid of some aging Punk Rocker to take the p--- out of us English by describing the English scenes and activities in their advert has being British. Mr. J. Stanhope your national council member for the West Midlands, says this product is produced at our Telford plant and is only one of a number of other supermarket brands produced there, non of which have a problem identifying their product has being English. It seems he said, that this company is making a deliberate attempt to inflame the already growing racial tensions between the home nations as the advert seems to be supporting the Scottish and Welsh MP's that want to deny England its identity. To then proceed to use this tension as part of an advertising campaign, whether deliberate or not, is something that I will be taking up with them and if necessary the minister.
Compare Dairy Crest’s Racial Policy with the Sainsbury supermarket chain who are in the process of doing just the opposite, this company is reviewing its policy in order that English products can be identified, and Marks and Spencer who already label their milk with the Cross of St. George.
British racism, rather than being in decline, seems to be increasing across certain sectors of society, and food labelling seems to one area these racists are able to freely operate as the Dairy Crest advert shows, but it is not the only sector. Have you received your "Register of Electors Annual Renewal Form" yet? They are asking you to register your Nationality has being British and that of a passport holder, whatever you do, make sure you make a comment in the Message Box on the front of the form that your nationality is English not that of a passport holder. The constant barrage and p--- taking by the BBC in identifying the people of England with Britain, being British and not English, along with the Scots who identify themselves with Scotland and not Britain, recently resulted in an incident in Carlisle that could have ended up much worse than it did. A group of local artists realising their Scottish friends were getting funding denied to them because they were English, decided along with a local farmer to erect a 12ft-long artwork on farmland next to the northbound M6 motorway, a mile north of Southwaite, welcoming motorists to Scotland. The sign was apparently attacked and destroyed during the night, and one of the artists a Jennifer Brooks said she was staggered by the depth of feeling, and had received anonymous messages and e-mails including one saying how the English had died keeping the Scots out of England etc. etc. The farmers wife Margaret Wilson 54 believes the damage may have been done by a Scot, angered at the idea that Carlisle could be incorporated in its borders? The police are investigating. The artists who are still fearful of repercussions did it they say to encourage debate, not to cause offence, which means the locals who are seeing them as English traitors and Scottish collaborators and the Scottish nationalists have got it all wrong? English Country
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
Compare Dairy Crest’s Racial Policy with the Sainsbury supermarket chain who are in the process of doing just the opposite, this company is reviewing its policy in order that English products can be identified, and Marks and Spencer who already label their milk with the Cross of St. George.
British racism, rather than being in decline, seems to be increasing across certain sectors of society, and food labelling seems to one area these racists are able to freely operate as the Dairy Crest advert shows, but it is not the only sector. Have you received your "Register of Electors Annual Renewal Form" yet? They are asking you to register your Nationality has being British and that of a passport holder, whatever you do, make sure you make a comment in the Message Box on the front of the form that your nationality is English not that of a passport holder. The constant barrage and p--- taking by the BBC in identifying the people of England with Britain, being British and not English, along with the Scots who identify themselves with Scotland and not Britain, recently resulted in an incident in Carlisle that could have ended up much worse than it did. A group of local artists realising their Scottish friends were getting funding denied to them because they were English, decided along with a local farmer to erect a 12ft-long artwork on farmland next to the northbound M6 motorway, a mile north of Southwaite, welcoming motorists to Scotland. The sign was apparently attacked and destroyed during the night, and one of the artists a Jennifer Brooks said she was staggered by the depth of feeling, and had received anonymous messages and e-mails including one saying how the English had died keeping the Scots out of England etc. etc. The farmers wife Margaret Wilson 54 believes the damage may have been done by a Scot, angered at the idea that Carlisle could be incorporated in its borders? The police are investigating. The artists who are still fearful of repercussions did it they say to encourage debate, not to cause offence, which means the locals who are seeing them as English traitors and Scottish collaborators and the Scottish nationalists have got it all wrong? English Country
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Party Conferences
The party conferences are now over and unfortunately they have been over shadowed by an upheaval in the financial markets and the collapse of some of our well known banks. This was so important to the state of the economy the Prime Minister said, that he had decided there was no alternative but to support his Chancellor and go back to the ways of Old Labour and do a nationalisation process on two of our banks. This is saddling us, the people of England with gigantic amounts of debt that we will be paying for in taxes for years to come, yet he, a Prime Minister elected by the people of Scotland, and his cohort of the same ilk who are not responsible to one English taxpayer, have been allowed by the leaders of the other two British political parties to do so without recalling parliament and consulting England’s representatives. England has no voice, and its British MP’s are not interested in giving it one, if we had been a Federal British State with an English Parliament, the Federal Parliament would have had to be recalled like is happening in America, and the people of England would have had a chance to decide on the billions and billions of debt that this Scottish led British government has been allowed to get us into. The irony is that the British tell us that this debt is to our benefit? That may be so? But the people of England and also Wales have the right in a democracy to be consulted, and not be dictated too by Scottish elected MP’s even if one is the Prime Minister. Unbelievably, the New Labour Party who contributed to this debt has had its rating go up in the polls, and the unelected Scottish Prime Minister is cheered in the media like the coming of a messiah? It’s like standing up and cheering when you know you have to put your head on the block because the axe man appears.
This Scotsman, this unelected British Racist Prime Minister, tells us that his party is the party of “Fairness” fairness he says is in its DNA. If there is an English element in this racist party they should call for his DNA to be tested immediately, because this man is definitely an alien and from another planet.
We can’t leave the New Labour Party without mentioning a Mr Brian Simpson, one of Labour’s “North Western Region” MEPs. Ever heard of him? No neither had I until it was pointed out that another British Racist had recently written a piece in “Egremont Today” a Labour magazine about us. He apparently is fed up with the English asking for a public holiday on St.George’s Day, and of all people he agrees with the Scot George Galloway MP that it should be a British Day in September. This is of course the same George Galloway who has signed the “Scottish Claim of Right” along with Gordon Brown, and vowed to put his own nation’s Scottish interests above ours, and was obviously in full agreement when Scotland was given a National Holiday on their St.Andrew’s Day. Brian being a British Racist is of course another one of those terrified British politicians who may find themselves out of a job if England gets recognition, then goes on to say that he thinks a national identity exists for the Welsh, Scottish and Irish and asks us what we think. You can tell him what he wants to know by e-mailing him: -
The campaign’s NC members attending the conferences and manning stalls had the impression that our message was beginning to filter through, and party delegates they said were willing to take our literature and listen to our arguments. The downside was definitely the Lib Dems, who, trailing in the polls on 12% and virtually heading for oblivion, had everything to gain and nothing to lose by supporting our call for an English Parliament, and CEP members in this party had worked hard to try to bring this about. This party had in the past talked about a federal UK, and proportional representation has been the cornerstone of their manifestos for years. Proposing a British Federal State, with an English Parliament, elected by a proportional representative voting system like that of Scotland, would have given this party the opportunity to offer something the other parties didn’t, and must be seen as a missed opportunity by them. I don’t think England should be surprised by this however, when their party has a leader who also appears to be an alien and a recent arrival from another planet, thinks that England’s pensioners can live on £30 a week.
The offer of cheap tickets for Conservatives to get into the Birmingham Lap Dancing Club seems to have paid dividends; either that or it is the strength of the local ale that has been taking effect, because the rhetoric coming from their party conference suggests they would be getting rid of Birmingham’s clown prince, the regional quango Advantage West Midlands (A Waste of Money). Their promised referendum on the EU in what ever form it takes, at least leaves the door open for a Federal British State with an English Parliament, which would satisfy ours and their parties desire of saving the Union, and their leaders desire not to be only the Prime Minister of England, should this party ever get elected. Their leader says he wants to give the people a choice, a choice for change, and that he is the “Man with A Plan” We must make sure that England’s recognition is part of that plan and must keep up the pressure on their British MP’s. At the moment David Cameron their party leader is on cloud 9 and making claims that seem out of this world, let us hope that when he finally comes down to Earth he lands in England, and that the world that he comes from is different from that of the other two.
The show starts again next week in West Minster.
Watch the curtain go up
Fight British Racism - Fight England’s Discrimination
This Scotsman, this unelected British Racist Prime Minister, tells us that his party is the party of “Fairness” fairness he says is in its DNA. If there is an English element in this racist party they should call for his DNA to be tested immediately, because this man is definitely an alien and from another planet.
We can’t leave the New Labour Party without mentioning a Mr Brian Simpson, one of Labour’s “North Western Region” MEPs. Ever heard of him? No neither had I until it was pointed out that another British Racist had recently written a piece in “Egremont Today” a Labour magazine about us. He apparently is fed up with the English asking for a public holiday on St.George’s Day, and of all people he agrees with the Scot George Galloway MP that it should be a British Day in September. This is of course the same George Galloway who has signed the “Scottish Claim of Right” along with Gordon Brown, and vowed to put his own nation’s Scottish interests above ours, and was obviously in full agreement when Scotland was given a National Holiday on their St.Andrew’s Day. Brian being a British Racist is of course another one of those terrified British politicians who may find themselves out of a job if England gets recognition, then goes on to say that he thinks a national identity exists for the Welsh, Scottish and Irish and asks us what we think. You can tell him what he wants to know by e-mailing him: -
The campaign’s NC members attending the conferences and manning stalls had the impression that our message was beginning to filter through, and party delegates they said were willing to take our literature and listen to our arguments. The downside was definitely the Lib Dems, who, trailing in the polls on 12% and virtually heading for oblivion, had everything to gain and nothing to lose by supporting our call for an English Parliament, and CEP members in this party had worked hard to try to bring this about. This party had in the past talked about a federal UK, and proportional representation has been the cornerstone of their manifestos for years. Proposing a British Federal State, with an English Parliament, elected by a proportional representative voting system like that of Scotland, would have given this party the opportunity to offer something the other parties didn’t, and must be seen as a missed opportunity by them. I don’t think England should be surprised by this however, when their party has a leader who also appears to be an alien and a recent arrival from another planet, thinks that England’s pensioners can live on £30 a week.
The offer of cheap tickets for Conservatives to get into the Birmingham Lap Dancing Club seems to have paid dividends; either that or it is the strength of the local ale that has been taking effect, because the rhetoric coming from their party conference suggests they would be getting rid of Birmingham’s clown prince, the regional quango Advantage West Midlands (A Waste of Money). Their promised referendum on the EU in what ever form it takes, at least leaves the door open for a Federal British State with an English Parliament, which would satisfy ours and their parties desire of saving the Union, and their leaders desire not to be only the Prime Minister of England, should this party ever get elected. Their leader says he wants to give the people a choice, a choice for change, and that he is the “Man with A Plan” We must make sure that England’s recognition is part of that plan and must keep up the pressure on their British MP’s. At the moment David Cameron their party leader is on cloud 9 and making claims that seem out of this world, let us hope that when he finally comes down to Earth he lands in England, and that the world that he comes from is different from that of the other two.
The show starts again next week in West Minster.
Watch the curtain go up
Fight British Racism - Fight England’s Discrimination
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