Wednesday 12 November 2008

Is it the British Union or the European Union David Cameron Supports.

When it comes to knowing which side your bread is buttered you can bet on the canny Scot coming up with the right answer when it matters. The Glenroths bye election retained by the Labour Party was a massive turn around of its fortunes on the results of other recent elections, and is being seen by some as a vote against the SNP’s call for independence. This could be a correct assumption, and probably occurred because the Labour Party decided to frighten the living daylights out of the Scots by telling them some home truths, independence means them having to stand on their own two feet without England’s money, and the benefits that they now get for doing nothing they will have to start working for. Labour should start saying the same things to the Welsh and the Irish, and when all of these nations are made to realise that we are all better off together than apart we can all sit round the table and maybe then find an amicable solution to the UK’s problems. But is it just a ploy by Scot Gordon Brown and the Scottish led labour Party to get back its support in Scotland for the next general election, which if they won would give him more time to organise England’s devolution to his own nations advantage before ‘giving’ them independence, we must not forget that Gordon Brown ‘did’ sign the Scottish Claim of Right? We must not forget either that it is the Labour Party that has caused the union’s problems, the friction between the home nations is continuing because asymmetrical devolution and regionalism which is the policy of the EU to unravel the British State, is one that suits the Labour Party, and its think tanks seem to also have convinced the unionist party into believing the opposite. What may I ask goes through the mind of David Cameron’s unionist party when they hear Scotland and Wales declaring their nationhood and denying the British State, or when they hear the Prime Minister and his Labour Government adding their support also? Are we also led to believe too that these unionists are so poor that a television set or a radio is beyond their means so that they do not see or hear these nations deride their British National Anthem? Only today, Ron Davies an ex Labour Minister, paid according to all accounts £27,000 for being head of the Welsh Valleys Race Equality Council by the Commission for Racial Equality, is said to have agreed to a leaflet being put out in Caerphilly, that says the word British can be as offensive as ‘Negro’ and that the word British implies a false sense of unity. It is also said that someone else, a senior Unionist, UUP MLA Tom Elliot may also have seen the light and has asked for David Cameron’s support, after he accused the Labour Government of undermining the British identity.
How long is it going to take before these unionists realise that by letting the Labour Party deny England its political identity it is their British identity and the union that is disappearing not the opposite. I ask these unionists to look at the situation from the Scottish and Welsh point of view and ask themselves how they would feel if the British National Anthem and the British identity were seemingly only being put on England and the English Nation. It is belittling every nation’s national identity to that of second class citizens, and it is surely as much an affront to Scotland and Wales to call them British as the affront is to deny us our English identity. If England was given its own political and constitutional identity with its own parliament the nations could then focus on a new British identity that could again be seen to be owned by us all and not by England alone.
Why in hells name did the British open up our borders to Europe before settling their own internal difficulties, and why are they acting like a bull in a china shop and bulldozing EU laws through parliament that are destroying everything that is good about Britain.
The oppositions view on all of these events can be summed up in one word ‘cowardice’ all talk and no action, rather than being seen as a party of the British Union, David Cameron’s Conservative Party is portraying itself in every respect as the party of the European Union and the break up of the UK.
Let us see if he is going to stop his party from joining the new regional select committees if they get voted in, he has after all promised to disband the regions if they win the next election, don't hold your breath. Part of the Union

Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination

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