After taking offence earlier in the year (see 29th Sept) against the childrens enjoyment of the Zippo Circus Clowns and their music, they’re at it again, only this time they’re more specific and its disabled children and their clown they’ve targeted. The British West Midlands Regional Quango directed by Brussels and run by the local Clown Circus have seen red because PC Konk tried to outdo them on their own patch. The British it seems thought that the clown, an Englishman trying to earn a living dressed as a comedy policeman, could take publicity away from their own performing Clown Prince, Richard Timney, so he was treated with Gestapo like tactics and strip searched and forced to hand over his fluffy pink handcuffs under their terrorist laws. The clown, Dave Vaughn, wearing size 48 shoes (obviously an alien as their own wear jackboots) was booked to perform on a special flight for disabled children at Birmingham, but was stopped by security staff because his handcuffs set off a metal detector. Their own British Clown Prince Richard Timney meanwhile suffered no such demeanour; he is apparently being paid £40,000 a year by them out of our English taxpayers’ money to write to his local Worcestershire paper in praise of their Home secretary’s policies and to belittle the opposition. Acting the fool like all clowns do, and laughing all the way to the bank, he got found out that he his in fact the husband of their Home Secretary Jacqui Smith who uses her own maiden name at Westminster.
How long are we English going to put up with these British Clowns governing England?
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
How long are we English going to put up with these British Clowns governing England?
Fight against British Racism - Fight against England and English Discrimination
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