Wednesday 4 March 2009

Daniel looks into the Lions Den; He needs a push

One of the most likable MPs in the area is our Daniel Kawczynski the MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, and if it’s not his height that attracts you to him then it is pleasant personality and willingness to listen to his constituents. In the previous post I asked you to contact him and tell him of England’s deficit and said that I would look forward to the day when he would stand up in the HOC and call for England and English recognition. I am sure a lot of you must have contacted him because today he has a post on the Conservative Home’s Platform on this topic which you can read and pass a comment on, which many already have.

I will make the following comment on what Daniel has to say, and it proves once again that however nice, pleasant, and sincere these British MPs appear to be, when it comes to choosing between their party and their English constituents they will always put their Party and its policies first.
The first couple of paragraphs of the article states what we at the CEP have been saying for the past 10 years, and which he now accepts and has come to agreement on; the democratic deficit caused to England by the British Devolution Acts of 1998.
He explains this deficit in terms of the number of constituents per MP in England to the comparable numbers of our other island nations and puts it over rather well, considering it is David Cameron’s and the Conservative party policy to reduce the number of MPs in those countries. Anyone reading the article would believe however that the British MPs he is talking about actually have these constituents, and are responsible for their constituents’ domestic problems, which is not true. These British MPs elected to the UK Parliament from our other island nations have no constituent domestic problems to deal with at all, in fact they are prevented from doing so, not even the Prime Minister elected by the Scots from a Scottish constituency can do so, and they deal only with reserved matters like defence and the constitution which are of very little interest to their constituents. He also fails to tell us that these British MPs without any constituents are still in receipt of their full salaries and expenses, and that the English are paying 80% towards the cost, and he should state what he is really complaining about, that he is over worked, and they are getting money for nothing. The answer is of course not to reduce their numbers but get rid of them altogether and have our own English Parliament.
The rest of the article highlights this and goes on to list deficits and makes a good case for an English Parliament but he fails to acknowledge this, or ask for it, preferring instead
to support his British Party. See

Daniel was on the Justice Committee ‘Devolution 10 years on’ when we presented our case; you must continue to pressure and encourage him to support us.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

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