Monday 23 March 2009


‘On all sides there is an ever-increasing demand for radical change in England .’ That was the message Michael Knowles, the CEP media officer, presented to the meeting of Campaign National Council held in Birmingham on Saturday March 21st. ‘There is no way the radical change needed can come from the Union Parliament. Its members have too many vested interests as well as a totally outdated notion of what the UK role in the world now is. They are glued to the past. Radical change can now only come about in England if England has a new institution separate from the Union parliament, its own parliament like Scotland has, where it has the freedom and the space to think new thoughts. The past sits upon the country at present like a great black smothering cloud, opposing change, resisting new ideas, chanting old outdated mantras. We need to bring a new world into existence to redress the balance of the old.

‘England is now vibrant and buzzing with environmental campaigners who want an end to the uglifying of its countryside, rivers, shores, towns and cities, people clamouring for alternative energy, campaigners against the surveillance state the UK government has reduced England to, bloggers and activists who want to unlock democracy from the chains of the past, to open democracy up to fairer electoral systems, who want freedom of information at every level outside of the control of political interests, and people who recognise the total folly and shortsightedness of making a god of the gross domestic product with its callous greed, its blatant immorality, divisiveness and its destruction of England’s environment.

‘The people of England want an end to the ugliness and the pressures of the rat race which the economic policies of the Union government have created. They want the restoration of their ancient hard-won liberties. They want their country -city, town and countryside- to be a green and pleasant land again, a place of peace and simple security and where harmony not difference is the ambition. They want space and the air to breath.

‘New creations first need new designs, new tools, new craftsmen and women. The people of England need their own space, their own voice, just like Scotland and Wales now have. They need their own separate institution, their own parliament where they can have the opportunity and the freedom to think differently and independently and create a new England. We must bring a new world into existence to redress the balance of the old.’

CEP media unit
Tel: 01260 271139 or email: michael-knowles@tiscali,

Fight against British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

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