Sunday 24 May 2009

Stinking Rich

They warned us of a Swine Flue pandemic and we got it, everyone living in the UK has been effected, and it is unbelievable that even with everyone still suffering with sickness, diarrhoea and breathing problems caused by the stench from this cesspit of a rotten parliament, the swine that are causing it are still in there and referring to themselves as the Right Honourables, supplanting effluent for affluent like they supplant Britain for our England.If it had only been a few in one party, if it had only been one issue, if it had only infected the back benches,if it was only in parliament,we could perhaps have isolated them and saved the rest. Unfortunately the virous as infected all of the British political parties and the entire British establishment and it is to late now to do anything other than a massive cull right down through the ranks of the regional quangos and town councils. Some are claiming immunity, but we have not heard their voices calling for justice for England, all we hear are their cries for help as their reputations go under the mire, and we know from past experience that for the rise of evil it only needs good men to do nothing, and that’s precisely what these that claim immunity have done, nothing. We the people of England are being robbed, cheated, and lied to by a bunch of British MPs who like traitors have sold their souls to an EU establishment that wishes to destroy the notion of our countries very existence in order that they can spend their time and our money looking after their moats, tennis courts, and duck ponds.
We the people of England have been let down by everyone from the Monarch to the Parish Councillor, from the Archbishop to the Parish vicar,from the House of Lords to the magistrate,and worst of all by the BBC and most of the media, and we must start to let them know it.



We must not forget that it is the British that are denying England its political recognition, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame. Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

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