Friday, 27 March 2009

Is Berwick being painted out of England?

SIR,-The letter from the Vicar of Berwick, Canon Alan Hughes, “Berwick being painted out of English tourism” will be deliberate and fits in with the new unitary authority’s refusal to fund the Riding of the Bounds, as was reported in the Berwick Advertiser in January.Whether the people of Berwick like it or not the establishment might well have decided that Berwick should be annexed by Scotland. Canon Hughes asks: “Have we been ceded to Scotland without a referendum?” I doubt they would dare a referendum as they are well aware of rising English Nationalism.No, they would allow Scotland to annex Berwick as they allowed Wales to annex Monmouth at five minutes to midnight in an almost empty House of Commons more than 30 years ago.Only Gerald Kaufman MP objected when he said “Imagine Britain annexed by Europe at five minutes to midnight.”The situation for Sir Alan Beith MP will not change. As an English MP. He can vote on English affairs but not Scottish affairs.As a Scottish MP it will be exactly the same. As a Scottish MP, he can still be selected to sit on any English regional select committees, and at the stroke of a pen, he can claim that he’s brought the benefits enjoyed in Scotland at English taxpayers’ expense of free prescriptions, cancer drugs and testing and no student top up fees for the people of Berwick.It is only because of a lazy and aquiescent press that most people do not know that England at a very important level is run by people that hate it. I include Alan Beith amongst these people.Conservatives are no better. English people campaigning for the same considerations as the people of Wales and Scotland were called “Sour Little Englanders” by David Cameron to an audience in Scotland last year, he then added that “they should be re-educated about Scotland.”So, we in England have not a lot going for us. New Labour steadfastly refuses to clean up the botched devolution they imposed on England.Jack Straw said: “The English as a race are not worth saving,” so there we have it.At the next election, no MP you elect to represent your views at Westminster will do exactly that. Instead they will reflect the views of Gordon Brown, David Cameron or Nick Clegg back to you. Better to elect a local Independent MP who is either for staying with England or going to Scotland.As a member of the Campaign for an English Parliament I dearly hope Berwick stays with England.

Orchard Road
County Durham

Fight against British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

If your ill and English the best chance of survival is prayer

On the 2nd of March I reported on the sad case of Jane Goody, who like many other seriously ill English patients had been denied or were being denied access to treatment under the British NHS that could save or extend their lives, treatment that was being offered by the Scottish NHS and Welsh NHS.
The difference between the three Health Services is that two, the Scottish and the Welsh are truly National Health Services and serve the nations they represent, while the third, what should be an English NHS does not exist. Instead England has a British Health Service that is being regionalised and is a mish mash of foundation and hospital trusts spread throughout the quango regions that represent themselves, and patients only get the treatment each can afford. English patients of all ages are dying through a lack of treatment and a lack of care which is being offered free to the Scots and Welsh nations by the British, which in turn is being paid for and subsidised by the victimised English patient through taxes. You would assume that a Scotsman a Welshman and an Englishman in beds next to one another in the same ENGLISH hospital all having the same serious illness in a United Kingdom would all be able to receive the same treatment, you would assume wrong, while the Scotsman and the Welshman would be given life saving drugs the Englishman would be denied and allowed to suffer and die as the case maybe. If the Englishman had the money to buy these drugs himself he could not because the British prevent him from doing so, and to make it even more difficult for him, and you, to cure even minor ailments you are made to pay a prescription charge of nearly £8 per item while those same drugs are offered free to the Welsh and will soon be free to the Scots. 2,500 English patients a year are being given drugs to accelerate their deaths in what critics claim is euthanasia by the back door, and Sarah Wootton of the campaign group Dignity in Dying said doctors are assisting patients to die, potentially without an explicit request from the patients themselves.
Unskilled labour is also being used in our English hospitals by the British, while trained English Nurses and Doctors can’t find jobs and are being told to look abroad. Just recently a Staffordshire hospital is said to have caused the death of some 1000 + English patients through that very reason, with some patients reporting that they were made to drink water from flower pots by the hospital’s untrained staff. A similar problem was also found with a Birmingham childrens hospital, and people are dying all over England through lack of cleanliness and care in our hospitals with regular outbreaks of C.diff and MRSA, and today it is reported again of 13 more deaths of elderly patients and of 17 being taken ill in an outbreak of C.diff at a hospital in Eastbourne. We English now have a greater fear of what deadly diseases we can catch when going into the hospital than the reason we have had to be admitted. Trust in doctors and nurses in English hospitals is being lost because England not having its own NHS is forcing care to become a regional post code lottery of management competences, and many more deaths are being caused because of it.
The English are facing blatant discrimination on medical treatment when compared to the Scottish and Welsh Nations which could be seen by some as a plot to coerce the English into abandoning a NHS in favour of regional privatisation schemes, or could be seen in the more sinister vain of a British plot of Genocide of the English by neglect.

We must not forget that it is the British that are denying the English this care, the British MPs we have sent to parliament to represent England, it is these who are to blame.
Until we have our own English MPs not British MPs representing England nothing is going to change.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Monday, 23 March 2009


‘On all sides there is an ever-increasing demand for radical change in England .’ That was the message Michael Knowles, the CEP media officer, presented to the meeting of Campaign National Council held in Birmingham on Saturday March 21st. ‘There is no way the radical change needed can come from the Union Parliament. Its members have too many vested interests as well as a totally outdated notion of what the UK role in the world now is. They are glued to the past. Radical change can now only come about in England if England has a new institution separate from the Union parliament, its own parliament like Scotland has, where it has the freedom and the space to think new thoughts. The past sits upon the country at present like a great black smothering cloud, opposing change, resisting new ideas, chanting old outdated mantras. We need to bring a new world into existence to redress the balance of the old.

‘England is now vibrant and buzzing with environmental campaigners who want an end to the uglifying of its countryside, rivers, shores, towns and cities, people clamouring for alternative energy, campaigners against the surveillance state the UK government has reduced England to, bloggers and activists who want to unlock democracy from the chains of the past, to open democracy up to fairer electoral systems, who want freedom of information at every level outside of the control of political interests, and people who recognise the total folly and shortsightedness of making a god of the gross domestic product with its callous greed, its blatant immorality, divisiveness and its destruction of England’s environment.

‘The people of England want an end to the ugliness and the pressures of the rat race which the economic policies of the Union government have created. They want the restoration of their ancient hard-won liberties. They want their country -city, town and countryside- to be a green and pleasant land again, a place of peace and simple security and where harmony not difference is the ambition. They want space and the air to breath.

‘New creations first need new designs, new tools, new craftsmen and women. The people of England need their own space, their own voice, just like Scotland and Wales now have. They need their own separate institution, their own parliament where they can have the opportunity and the freedom to think differently and independently and create a new England. We must bring a new world into existence to redress the balance of the old.’

CEP media unit
Tel: 01260 271139 or email: michael-knowles@tiscali,

Fight against British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Tax Payers Alliance -The NHS in another blow to the English taxpayer’s wallets

While the Treasury attempts to kick-start the British economy with interest rate cuts and quantitative easing to the tune of £75 billion, last week the Department of Health revealed plans to raise the cost of NHS prescriptions in England to £7.20 from April, while cancer patients would now be exempt from the charge. Health minster, Dawn Primarolo stated that this rise would bring in a ‘valuable’ £437 million in 2009/1.
The NHS budget for 2007/8 currently stands at £96 billion; in comparison, £437 million is a tiny fraction. This money could easily be rescued from the NHS dustbin by halting outrageous waste on huge increases on higher salaries, meaningless 5-a-day coordinators and the failing £12.7 billion Connecting For Health IT system for example.
At a time when household budgets are already stretched, it is unfair and unreasonable for the government to increase a ‘tax on the sick’. While only 10% of prescriptions come under the charge, this may prove enough of a disincentive for struggling families to reject the prescription, become increasingly unwell and consequently end up costing the NHS more in the long run. Similarly, these exemptions do not support the increasing number of families who sit just above the prescription exemption.
In further insult to the English taxpayer, counterparts in Wales saw prescription fees scrapped by the Welsh Assembly in 2007. Likewise, Northern Ireland prescription costs were reduced to £3 in January and are due to be abolished by 2010, while Scotland are to see their costs reduced to £3 in April in an attempt to phase out the charge by 2011.
Not only does it seem imbalanced that the rest of the British Isles will have free prescriptions in only 2 years, this has also come at cost to the English taxpayer. In December 2006, “the Scottish Government announced it would set aside £97m to abolish prescription charges. Once the charges have gone, the policy is expected to cost £57m a year.” The Scottish Parliament intend to fund this deficit through the £30 billion block grant that Scotland receives under the Barnett formula. The Barnett formula was introduced in 1978 as a temporary measure to redress the slower growth in the region. It seeks to ensure Scotland receives a proportion of all new public spending in England. Thirty years on, and despite a falling allocation, public service spending was £1, 644 higher in Scotland in 2007/8 than England. The Barnett formula also applies to Wales and Northern Ireland where gaps in an increase in spending in 2007/8 were £1,042 and £2,254 respectively.
In order to redress this balance, it is essential that the government reform the outdated Barnett Formula to the benefit of the English taxpayer, who has long suffered as a result of errors in judgment and budget brought about by devolution, starting with the abolishment of NHS prescription charges. British taxpayers already pay vast sums of tax to fund a wasteful health service, piling more charges on top of that big bill isn’t remotely fair.
Posted by Katherine Andrew on March 09, 2009 at 11:07 AM Permalink

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Fight against British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

CEP: The future of England

THE National Council of the Campaign for an English Parliament (, is holding its next meeting at the Friends’ Meeting House, Bull St. Birmingham on Saturday March 21st. It has met every second month since its inauguration in June 1998. One item before it this month will be a paper being presented by its media officer Michael Knowles entitled : the Future of England.
‘If there is one measure carried out by the 1997 Labour Government which we can predict with certainty will be historic it is the devolution legislation of 1998. That legislation terminated the post-1707 situation that politically and constitutionally there was only one UK nation. That legislation explicitly spoke of and established Scotland and Wales as distinct nations and conveyed to them self-government in different degrees. By distinguishing them from England, which of course was both its raison d’etre and intent, by default it established England as a distinct nation likewise. Scotland and Wales have done very well in the last eleven years out of devolution. England however has not only not benefited from it, as indeed the architects of the legislation did not intend it to, but has also in fact been financially and governmentally disadvantaged by it.
‘However, those past eleven years have also proved politically and culturally very useful for England in ways the Labour government of 1997 to 2009 neither anticipated nor intended. They have provided England with eleven years of reflection about its future and have resurrected among the people of England an awareness of their distinct national identity. Every single item of legislation passed by the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly has successively emphasised the difference that now politically and constitutionally exists between them and England. The present UK government, aided and abetted by the BBC, is endeavouring to smother and repress any manifestation of England as a distinct nation, but like King Canute before the incoming waters they cannot hold back the tides of history driven on relentlessly by the force of the 1998 legislation.
‘England is not just distinct and different now from the rest of the UK as a result of the 1998 legislation. Its future as from now will be different too. We in the CEP, which is the only think-tank and campaigning body which has applied itself actively and academically to the issues of England’s future, must conduct debate in England’s universities and political parties about what form the future English Parliament will take, how it will be elected, where it will be located, what its relationship with Scotland, Wales and Ireland will be, and what its relationship with the EU will be. We will have to publish papers on the composition of English government and how after centuries of centralisation it can be decentralised around the whole English nation.
‘The last eleven years have been a period of gestation. Now the rebirth of England is about to happen. In those eleven years the CEP alone has rowed perspicaciously with the tide of history. Now it must give it articulation and expression.’
Michael Knowles: CEP media unit.
Tel: 01260 271139 Email:

Fiht against British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Monday, 9 March 2009

West Bromwich St. George's Parade

The St. George's Day Parade in West Bromwich is still being frustrated by Sandwell Council even though businessman Chris Kelly, managing director of Keltruck announced on the BBC'S Sunday Morning Politics Show that he was willing to put up the £10,000 the council said they needed for it to go ahead. It now appears that if the parade is given the green light and does go ahead, it will have to be on its usual Sunday morning timetable, for obvious reasons, but guess what? The St. George's Day Party in the Park which has always followed the parade on the Sunday and been the added attraction, attended by all those present, and IS BEING FUNDED BY SANDWELL COUNCIL has been moved by the council to the Saturday.
Mr. Collins for the organisers said we are now having to start from scratch with less than a month to go, and is appealing for entertainers, bands etc. to take part on the Sunday. If you can help you can contact Mr. Collins on 07976 790 255
lt is hoped that Walsall council will re-consider its position on holding their parade if Sandwell give the go ahead for theirs.
It should not be forgotten that the British have allowed Scotland to have a National Holiday on their St. Andrew's Day.

A letter from tonights Express and Star should give reason enough for the British to re-think
their position regarding England and the English, and the local parties should consider deselecting the Racists that have infiltrated this Sandwell council and any other.

It is interesting to note the difference between the West Bromwich St. George's Day parade and the Notting Hill Carnival. Both are run under Labour administrations.
Notting Hill Carnival: 3 murders, more than 400 arrests, 190 offences involving violence, robbery and theft, more than 400 injuries at one event and 94 people hospitalised. Two shootings at one event. Handguns, CS gas canisters and a stun gun confiscated before one event. Public funding £401,390 from the Arts Council. Police costs: £3 million. Another £8.7 million pledged by London Development Agency and the Arts Council to provide a Notting Hill carnival enterprise centre.
Sandwell's St. George's Day Parade: not one reported instance of any disrupted incident. One recognisable member of a rival party photographed walking quietly in the parade. Public funding withdrawn: £10,000. Perhaps Sandwell Council would like to justify its actions.
Fred Bishop Bridge Street

LATEST -11th March - Council refuses use of the park for any events being arranged by the organisers of the march on the Sunday, and refuse to move their own Party in the Park from the Saturday. Reason given Health and Safety, they will be dismantling their props from the Saturday.

Fight British Racism - Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Daniel looks into the Lions Den; He needs a push

One of the most likable MPs in the area is our Daniel Kawczynski the MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham, and if it’s not his height that attracts you to him then it is pleasant personality and willingness to listen to his constituents. In the previous post I asked you to contact him and tell him of England’s deficit and said that I would look forward to the day when he would stand up in the HOC and call for England and English recognition. I am sure a lot of you must have contacted him because today he has a post on the Conservative Home’s Platform on this topic which you can read and pass a comment on, which many already have.

I will make the following comment on what Daniel has to say, and it proves once again that however nice, pleasant, and sincere these British MPs appear to be, when it comes to choosing between their party and their English constituents they will always put their Party and its policies first.
The first couple of paragraphs of the article states what we at the CEP have been saying for the past 10 years, and which he now accepts and has come to agreement on; the democratic deficit caused to England by the British Devolution Acts of 1998.
He explains this deficit in terms of the number of constituents per MP in England to the comparable numbers of our other island nations and puts it over rather well, considering it is David Cameron’s and the Conservative party policy to reduce the number of MPs in those countries. Anyone reading the article would believe however that the British MPs he is talking about actually have these constituents, and are responsible for their constituents’ domestic problems, which is not true. These British MPs elected to the UK Parliament from our other island nations have no constituent domestic problems to deal with at all, in fact they are prevented from doing so, not even the Prime Minister elected by the Scots from a Scottish constituency can do so, and they deal only with reserved matters like defence and the constitution which are of very little interest to their constituents. He also fails to tell us that these British MPs without any constituents are still in receipt of their full salaries and expenses, and that the English are paying 80% towards the cost, and he should state what he is really complaining about, that he is over worked, and they are getting money for nothing. The answer is of course not to reduce their numbers but get rid of them altogether and have our own English Parliament.
The rest of the article highlights this and goes on to list deficits and makes a good case for an English Parliament but he fails to acknowledge this, or ask for it, preferring instead
to support his British Party. See

Daniel was on the Justice Committee ‘Devolution 10 years on’ when we presented our case; you must continue to pressure and encourage him to support us.

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English

Monday, 2 March 2009

If Jade Goody had been Scottish, Welsh or Irish and not English she might not be dying now.

Mr. J. Stanhope speaking to the West Midlands members of the Campaign for an English Parliament on Monday said that the tragedy of Jade Goody highlighted how the effects of devolution are tearing the United Kingdom apart, contrary to British claims that devolution is working. What was once a truly British National Health Service that served equally each of the four nations, has since devolution turned patient care into a post code lottery that depends on your country of residence, and is now four separate health services, with an English one that could be heading down the road to privatisation.
Referring to the tragic case of Jane Goody he said that every young person between the ages of 20 and 25 living in England should be aware that their lives are not as important to the British establishment as those lives of the young people of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath the Prime Ministers constituency, or of the rest of those young people living Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Quoting Mr. Angharad Mair from Wales on Sunday, he said that if Jade Goody now 27 had lived in Wales she might not be dying now, and who knows how many young women are still alive because they were lucky enough to live in those countries.
In England you do not get invited for a cervical smear test until you are 25 – and by then it’s too late for any girl unfortunate enough to be suffering from cervical cancer at a younger age - as Jade is. In Wales the age of screening is 20 – as it is in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Older women again do better in Wales with screenings every 3 years until the age of 65, while in England women are only screened every 3 years until the age of 49.
In this mornings ‘Sun’ newspaper, Prof Mike Richards, National Cancer Director, said they didn’t think screening of English women under the age of 25 was in the women’s best interests and had nothing to do with money? If it is in the young people’s interest in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland what’s so different about the young people of England said Mr. Stanhope. Prof Richards goes on to give a list of symptoms of the decease and advises these young people and people of other age groups to get themselves referred to a specialist within 2 weeks if they get them instead of waiting for screening.
The young people of England should also be aware of the sudden cardiac death syndrome which is claiming many fit and active young lives, especially young men, who are 10 times more vulnerable than women. If you live in Scotland then every youngster over 16 taking part in organised sport will be given the chance of being screened for cardiac abnormalities, initially, youngsters taking part in football and rugby will be screened during a trial period with screening eventually rolled out across other sports.
(Not in England though said Mr. Stanhope)
Sudden cardiac death is thought to affect around one person in 200,000.

On a similar subject Mr. Stanhope said, the MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham Mr. Daniel Kawczynski again in the last few weeks was complaining about the way English people are being treated in his local hospitals, why asked Mr. Kawczynski, is it right that a patient in the next bed can be given the life saving drugs that are being denied his English patient because they are Welsh? We know the answer to that said Mr. Stanhope, and we call upon all his constituents to write to him and tell him, it’s because he and all the other British MPs elected from English constituencies to represent England in the Westminster Parliament have refused and continue to refuse to do so, and instead are supporting the British agenda of racially discriminating against England and the English.
We look forward to Mr Kawczynski standing up in the HOC and calling for the recognition of England and the English Nation said Mr. Stanhope.

Mr. Stanhope West Midlands CEP
Tel: 01902 630110

Fight against British Racism – Fight against racism directed against England and the English